I have had been using DealFlakes.com as my technical playground for a while. I have experimented with some cool AJAX JSON based communication and some nifty Server side tricks. With the arrival (well, the previews) of ASP.NET MVC, I was so excited that i wanted to re-write the DealFlakes.com on MVC framework (not a lot once i know what i wanted to do and how to organize the data).
DealFlakes is basically a Deal Aggregation portal !
- JQUERY (for communication and User Experience effects)
- LINQ – (Linq-to-SQL and Linq-to-XML to talk to my data stores)
- And at this point ASP.NET MVC Preview 4 (I love the caching and Authentication modules in this preview)
- SQL Server (2005) with some XML files
- And hosted on IIS7 (Windows Server 2008)
I have learned quite a bit of JavaScript while working with Jquery and i encourage all of you to have a look at it. I am sure, you are going to love it. And my CSS skills are getting better Well, layout is kind of similar to Digg, umm(they invented the wheel)!!!
Any how, if you are a bargain hunter and would like to keep some money in your pocket (May be more available balance on your credit card) you should check out dealflakes.com. I am going to keep this as a serious website and not going to play with it any more (at least that effects the Functionality and User Experience). And yes, i will be adding some very exciting features very soon. So, stay tuned.
Go DealFlakes…
on DealFlakes I can see a link like: http://dealflakes.com/2
I want do do this too, I have set up two Index Methods in my Home Controller, one method for root page without arguments, and one method taking an ID argument, like:
public ActionResult Index()
public ActionResult Index(int id)
But it says, ambigous action method "Index". How did you do this? Thanks for your reply